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Energize Stow is a collaboration between Sustainable Stow and the town's Green Advisory Committee (GAC). Sustainable Stow works with residents and local groups sharing information and collaborating in order to inspire groups and individuals to action to improve our environment.  As a town committee, the GAC has developed a Climate Action Plan and works collaboratively with town departments and committees, as well as other local groups to implement the steps needed to meet the State's 2030 target for the reduction of greenhouse gases.  

Energize Stow helps residents track their own progress in taking actions that help reduce their reliance on fossil fuels, as well as practice actions that help our environment in other ways, such as recycling, using rain barrels, etc. You can find a list of Actions and their descriptions here:

One of our goals is to have Stow residents engage with this website. We hope to have 150 households engaged and 300 actions completed by the end of 2024. The very best way you can support this cause is to sign up and create your account.  Go to the Home page and click on the green button on top of the right hand corner.

Why should you create an account on the Energize Stow website? 

No worries, if you don't sign up, you can still see all our actions, events, testimonials, and our collective impact. Nothing is "hidden" to anonymous visitors.

However, signing up gives you the added opportunities to

  1. Share the impact of what you've done: click on the "Done" button of the actions you have already taken.
  2. Check your cumulative personal impact score on your profile (under the green button with your nickname, select "Profile").
  3. Be counted toward our collective goal: every action you tell us you've done counts toward our community goal.
  4. Create a To Do list by clicking the "To Do" buttons on the action you are interested in.
  5. Share testimonials and stories: educate and motivate your neighbors!
  6. Join a team: the moment you join a team, your score gets added to that team.
  7. Create your very own team. Any group can be a team: your softball  team, your class at school, your congregation...
  8. Check under the "Steps to Take" tab above for detailed instructions on how to register.

What do we do with your information? Is it safe?

  1. MassEnergize has strict data security protocols that are monitored and updated, and reviewed by an independent party.
  2. Your information (name, email, household zip code, and the actions on your Done and To Do lists) are accessible to the MassEnergize core team and the Stow "admins" (2 people). Sustainable Stow and Stow's Green Advisory Committee use this data to assess the success of our campaigns, our community's impact, and to send you newsletters/e-blasts (from which you can unsubscribe if you would rather not get them).
  3. We may share depersonalized, aggregated data with our partners and vendors, but we NEVER share your personal data with anyone without your express permission.

The MassEnergize Privacy Policy and Terms of Service Policy hold the admins who have access to personalized data to strict data privacy standards. So even when our Energize Stow admins change, your data is safe.


STEP 1: Click on the "Sign In" button at the top right.
STEP 2: On the next page, next to "Don't have a profile?" click on "Create one."
STEP 3: On the next page enter your email address and choose a password (and re-enter it), click "Create profile."
              OR you can sign in with Google or Facebook (then you don't need to create a password).
STEP 4: On the next page, enter some basic information (name, nickname, email, household zipcode), then click "Finish creating profile."
STEP 5: You will be sent a confirmation email. Don't see it? It's probably in your spam folder.
STEP 6: Click on the link in the email: it will send you to the Home page.
STEP 7: There, click "Sign In" and use your login and password, or Google or Facebook, to sign in.

Have fun!

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