Become a Groton Sustainability Advocate


The Sustainability Advocates program is a partnership between the Sustainability Commission and you. The mission of the program is to serve as a primary mechanism for raising awareness of the many sustainability initiatives going on in the town, enabling other residents to become active participants in creating sustainable change in our town. The Sustainable Advocates program is a way to amplify your impact.

We hope that Advocates will also enhance Sustainable Groton Initiatives with their own experience and knowledge, working with us to collectively make Groton more sustainable.

We welcome and need passionate, caring and raving fans, and newcomers to Sustainable Groton.  100 Advocates is our goal!!! There are numerous ways to participate!

For more information on the purpose and responsibilities of the Sustainability Commission visit: Sustainability Commission - Town of Groton (  or email us HERE

The Sustainability Commission has numerous initiatives. Subcommittees and Working Groups carry out most of the work on these initiatives.

Sustainability Commission Initiative

Climate Action Subcommittee

Education Seminar Series Subcommittee

Grants Subcommittee

Pollinator Corridor/Habitat Subcommittee

Communications & Social Media Working Group

Tire Recycling Working Group

Energy Coaching Working Group

Sustainable Groton Advocates Subcommittee

Click HERE if you are interested in becoming an Advocate!

Actions  Advocate can take

        Be active with personal communications & on social media about sustainable practices, Sustainable Groton initiatives, or related current events.Neighborhood, Social Network, FB, Pinterest, Instagram

        Help generate media for, organize, and advertise Sustainable Groton outreach events

        Attend the quarterly Advocates subcommittee meeting or other subcommittee meeting

        Volunteer on an as needed basis

         Speak at an educational seminar or facilitate connections with local experts on seminar topics

        Recruit new advocates

        Write an article in the Groton Herald

        Attend Sustainable Groton Events including educational seminars or outreach events

         Log your Sustainable Actions on this website

All Advocates Receive

        Advocate Social Gathering  (Spring TBD)

        A Sustainable Groton Certificate

        A Sustainable Groton Lawn Flag

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