RECORDING: Garden for Climate Resilience (Watch Anytime!)SHARED

  • Date
    March 31st - April 1st, 2025
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  • “A Part of Nature, Not Apart from Nature” Trevor Smith, Regenrative Land Expert

    See Recording HERE.

    From drought to overwhelming rain, the last two years have been tough on the New England region. Though we have not been hit as hard as some parts of the country and of the globe, the reality of our changing climate is evident in our own gardens and open spaces. Is there anything we can do to keep our home and local landscapes healthy and thriving? The answer is YES!

    Join Trevor Smith for this talk about how to garden and manage landscapes for resilience. Trevor is the Design and Education Manager for Weston Nurseries, but he also has long experience in regenerative land care, from addressing urban heat islands with greening projects to designing rain gardens and managing stormwater runoff. A part of Trevor’s presentation will look at the key element of water extremes, i.e., what can we do about too much or too little rain? In addition, Trevor will address the living systems in our yards. How can we keep soils intact and vigorous? What plant species are most adaptable? And which species are key for maintaining the biodiversity on which our land depends?

    Trevor’s joy in the natural world is as deep as his commitment to ecological principles. Please bring your questions as he shares his hope for gardeners in a warming world.

    This event happened at the Acton Town Hall, 472 Main St., Acton, MA, Room 204, on Wed., April 24th at 7pm. thanks our co-sponsors—the Acton Conservation Trust and the Acton Garden Club Shirley Towle Lecture Fund—for their generosity and their vision. is a joint project of the Town of Acton Sustainability Office and the Acton Climate Coalition.

    We meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. Interested in volunteering? Contact us HERE.


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