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We are so glad you’ve found your way to the Energize Boxborough website! 

The Boxborough 2030 Master Plan outlines goals, strategies and recommendations for energy conservation, carbon footprint reduction and climate change resiliency. The Town seeks to reduce its carbon footprint through improvements in energy efficiency, high standards for building practices, reductions in its communitywide energy usage, and reduced reliance on fossil fuels. It is an ambitious agenda.  It is up to all of us, and everyone can do something!

How it all works & why to sign up

The goal of Energize Boxborough is to accelerate progress toward Boxborough 2030 Master Plan. The Actions on this site are designed to address climate change resiliency - both individually and collectively - and to include something for everyone, from small Actions to large ones. 

The Energize Boxborough website is designed to capture nearly all the Actions taken in our community and, whenever possible, to quantify the carbon savings from them. Energize Boxborough is not just about individuals reducing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions — important as that is. It is fundamentally about working together to speed our progress on emissions reductions.

Using Energize Boxborough has multiple positive effects: (1) it creates momentum for climate action; (2) it helps Town residents and businesses focus on significant climate Actions, and understand the impact they can have; (3) it allows the Town of Boxborough to have quantitative data on town-wide progress in reducing GHGs; (4) it helps identify opportunities for the Town to help residents lower emissions; and (5) it helps the Town to present evidence to seek State and Federal grants earmarked for Climate Change Resiliency.

Creating your own profile allows you to:

  • Record Actions you may already have taken. Maybe you already drive an EV (electric vehicle), or are already using green heating and cooling. Good for you! Click on “Done” for any Actions you’ve already completed.
  • Review other Actions that interest you. You can explore each through the Description, Steps to Take, and Deep Dive tabs on the Action page. Create your own “To Do” list for Actions you want and plan to take. Click on the To Do button for each specific Action you want to put on that list.
  • Check your personal, cumulative impact score for Actions you’ve done by clicking on the circle with your initials at the top right of any page, and selecting “My Profile.”
  • Have your impacts counted toward our collective goal; every Action you mark as “Done” counts!
  • Share the impacts of what you've done; click on the “Done” button for Actions you have taken to see the impacts (calculated via our peer-reviewed carbon calculator).
  • Share your experience with Actions to help educate and motivate your neighbors: write a Testimonial! Click on “Testimonials” on the specific Action page and tell your story. 
  • Join a team to boost the fun; have friendly competitions with other teams! When you join (or create; see next item) a team, your score will get added to that of your team.
  • Create your very own team! Any group can be a team: your soccer team, your congregation, your street or neighborhood, your class at school, and so on. (For now, this must be done on a computer rather than a mobile phone.)

NOTE: If you’re not quite ready to sign up — no worries! You can still see all the Actions, events, testimonials, and collective impact. Nothing is hidden from visitors to the site.

Are you ready?

If you’re ready to get started, just CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP and create a profile or you can sign up as a Guest by just using your email.


Learn how Energize Boxborough got started on Our Story page.

See Testimonials

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